jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

Irregular Verbs - List

The past form of regular verbs ends in 'ed'. Irregular verbs must be studied individually. Here is a list of past forms of some of the most common irregular verbs.
be -            was/were
become -   became
begin -       began
break -       broke
bring -        brought
build -        built
buy -          bought
come -       came
cost -         cost
cut -           cut
do -            did
drink -       drank
drive -       drove
eat -           ate
find -         found
fly -           flew
get -           got
give -         gave
go -            went
have -        had
keep -        kept
know -       knew
leave -       left
make -       made
meet -        met
pay -          paid
put -          put
read -        read
say -         said
see -         saw
sell -         sold
send -       sent
speak -      spoke
spend -      spent
take -        took
teach -      taught
tell -          told
think –      thought
wear-        wore

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